DCA Trophy Program
The DCA Trophy Plan is used at nearly 150 events each year, but few know about its history.
The gold-filled Dachshund pins were awarded at the first Specialty in 1934. They are still awarded today in many events and are sent to new DCA members.
Miss Katherine Ward Lane was commissioned to create the first DCA plaque, a Smooth to celebrate the Dachshund Club of America’s 50th anniversary in 1945.
The Smooth plaque was the only one awarded until 1971 when Miss Lane rendered a Wirehaired head study, and Miss Lee Burnham created the Longhair head study.
In the early 2000’s, the molds for the plaques were deteriorating and were redone. However, the Longhaired plaque could not be salvaged, so was redesigned by Chris Baldwin.
Today the program consists of plaques for each coat in three different sizes: five inch, eight inch and eleven inch. The eleven inch plaque is only awarded at the Dachshund Club of America National Field Trial and Specialty show.
The current program also includes several medallions. The bronze sunburst medallion is awarded for a variety of events. The pewter sunburst medallion is given as a gift to judges of DCA National events. The three-headed medallion, designed by Gina Leone, is only awarded at the DCA National specialty.

Mr. Laurence Horswell at the 1945 Dachshund Club of America 50th anniversary banquet, pictured with the Best of Breed winner on the right, Ch. Gunther v Marienlust, and on the left the Best of Opposite Sex winner, Ch. Arnett von Dachshafen.
The 14 inch bronze plaque was cast from the original sculpture by Katherine Ward Lane, and is the only one of that size ever awarded. The only other DCA plaque of that size hangs in the picture gallery of the American Kennel Club in New York.
General Information
Any AKC recognized Dachshund Club, in good standing with the trophy program, may purchase one of the DCA trophy plan. The plan is not for use by all-breed, hound or non-AKC clubs or organizations.
Applications must be completely filled out and are due 3 months before the event. Applications that are incomplete or lack postage will be returned to sender.
Events are divided into club and DCA events. The club events are the ones sponsored by your club. The DCA events are DCA events that your club or DCA is hosting. Most of the time you will use the forms for a club event. However, if you are hosting a DCA event, be sure to use the current premium list language and the correct order form. This is especially important for specialty shows since medallions and not pins are awarded to Winners at these events.
A number of clubs have members who donate items back to the club. Clubs may use these items as long as they implement the trophy plan as approved by the DCA board. If your club is using donated items, you still must complete an agreement and order form and submit it to the trophy chairman. Be sure to identify the items which you have.
The trophy plan must be implemented as approved by the DCA board. Clubs MAY NOT choose to offer a partial plan. Therefore, applications must be completely filled out. Partial orders can not be filled unless the club has indicated that they have the unordered items on hand.
As always, if you have any questions, please ask the trophy chairman for help.
Links to Agreements and Order Forms
Complete all forms. Incomplete forms and orders with postage due will be returned to sender. Complete payment for the plan selected is due with order. No partial payments are accepted.
Conformation, Obedience/Rally Trials
You have a choice of whether or not your club is offering the brass medallion for BOS to Variety when you have enough entries to award the five inch bronze plaque. Circle yes or no on the order form to show whether or not you are using the optional medallion. Base your estimated number of entries on the number of entries your show had last year.
Club Specialty, Obedience or Rally
DCA Specialty, Obedience or Rally
Field Trials
You will need to estimate the number of starters you expect. Base this number on the number of starters you had last year.
Club Field Trial
DCA Field Trial
Host Club for DCA National Field Trial
Links to Premium List Language
These links are to the language for the trophy plan that goes in your premium list and catalog. The language must be used as approved by the Dachshund Club of America Board. Under NO circumstances are clubs permitted to change this language.
Plaque Donation Policy
The Dachshund Club of America, Inc. will accept donations of previously awarded plaques, pins or medallions to be re-awarded provided the items are in good condition. DCA will pay shipping costs by parcel post or ground delivery service for the return of donated items. Donated items will be labeled “From the collection of” or “from the Estate of” depending on the circumstances of the donation. Receipts for shipping expenses are required for reimbursement. Seller must include instructions as to where and how payment should be made.
Plaque Buy Back Policy