Overview of Dachshund Health
As a generally healthy breed, the Dachshund has a life expectancy of 12 to 16 years. Critical to this is a good, regular veterinary care, a quality diet and moderate exercise to maintain good muscle tone.
The Dachshund’s long back can make them susceptible to back issues, so be be sure to keep them from becoming overweight, and always monitor their activities to avoid back injury.
General Care for Your Dachshund
Diet – Dachshunds should always be fed on a schedule and never allowed to free feed. With their ravenous appetites they can easily become overweight and at risk for health issues associated with excess weight. Speak with your Veterinarian for advice on the diet that works best for your Dachshund.
Exercise – Dachshunds should be active and have a daily routine of on-leash walks and free play. Senior Dachshunds will need less exercise than younger adults. Use caution when exercising a puppy and gradually build up their activity level until its a year old when its bones and muscles are more developed.
Dental Care – Teeth should be cleaned at least once a week. Click here for a list of dental products safe for use on your Dachshund.