Breeder’s Resource Library
The DCA Board of Directors welcomes you to the DCA Breeder’s Resource Library. Breeders are the heart of purebred dogs, and we know that you as Dachshund breeders have a special responsibility to preserve our beloved breed with all the characteristics that make the Dachshund unique.
The Breeder’s Resource Library is an online repository of articles, interactive tools, videos and in-person workshops all designed to assist you in your goal to breed quality Dachshunds that can excel in the show ring, in the field, in an earth dog den, in the agility or obedience rings, and as loving companions. The Library is a dynamic resource, so we will look to you for feedback through email and surveys to help us identify new topics and tools that you would like to see.
We share your commitment and passion for the breed and hope you take time to explore the library and use its resources as you advance your breeding program.
DCA is a proud recipient of the AKC 2023 EDDY Award for outstanding breeder education programs and materials developed by breed parent clubs.

Interactive Learning
Breeder Tools
Dachshund Basics
The History of the Breed
The Dachshund Front
Horswell on Structure
Dachshund Colors & Patterns
Breeding Basics
Genetics 101
Choosing Stud Dogs
Thoughts from Breeders
Building Mentor Relationships
Notable Breeders
Kaye Ladd
Jeanine Sudinski
Wally and Mary Jones
Mary Castoral
Breeding to the Standard Online Course – Launches in new window – click on ‘start slide show’ in upper right of toolbar to start course.
AKC Canine College – ABC’s of Dog Breeding and Canine Anatomy
Dachshund Structure and Movement
Using the Illustrated Standard Overlay Kit
The Dachshund Front Part 1 **
The Dachshund Front Part 2 **
Breeder Interviews
Fran Colonna *
Liz Heywood *
Nancy Thompson *
Panel Discussions
Breeding Strategies From Master Breeders *
Miniature Dachshund Master Breeders *
Breeding Practices and Resources *
DCA 2024 Breeder Ed Genetics Seminar
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3