Become a Member
DCA Welcomes New Members. Joining this vibrant community of Dachshund enthusiasts is right for you IF:
You are an experienced owner of Dachshunds (who live in your home)
You have been actively supporting or participating in Dachshund events for at least 3 years
You want to expand your connections and learn more from others who are expert breeders, trainers, handlers, exhibitors and judges
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to all of the above, read on!
Choose From One of Three Membership Types
Please click on the links below for more information about each membership type.
Single and Dual Residency Membership – For adults who reside within the United States
US Membership Application
Single and Dual Foreign Residency Membership – For adults who reside outside the United States
Foreign Application
The DCA Membership Application Process is Simple
Fill out the appropriate DCA Membership Application form.
Use an attachment sheet if you need additional space to describe your history and experience with dachshunds. We’d love to learn more about you.
Have your two sponsors fill out and sign a Sponsor Questionnaire and help you prepare your membership application package (which should include these sponsor questionnaires). Local Dachshund club members are a great referral source for finding potential sponsors.
Include a check for the correct amount associated with the membership type you have chosen (equivalent to paying annual dues for the current calendar year – to attain good standing status).
Submit your application package to Georjan Bridger, DCA Membership Chair. You will be contacted if any additional information is needed.