Membership Types Requirements and Forms
Membership is open to serious fanciers who have demonstrated a significant on-going interest in the Dachshund, who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club, subscribe to the objects of the Dachshund Club of America, and agree to abide by the Bylaws of the Dachshund Club of America, its Code of Ethics, and the rules of the American Kennel Club.
Section 1 Eligibility:
There shall be four types of membership open to persons who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club:
A. Regular Single Membership: Open to a citizen and resident of the United States eighteen (18) years of age and older who will enjoy all the privileges of the club including the right to vote and hold office.
B. Regular Dual Membership: Open to two citizens and residents of the United States eighteen (18) years of age and older who reside in the same household. They enjoy all the privileges of the club, including the right to vote and hold office. Each Regular Dual Member is entitled to one vote.
C. Junior Membership: Open to persons 9-17 years of age. Junior members cannot vote or hold office and do not count in the determination of a quorum. Upon reaching the 18th birthday, a junior member may apply to convert to the appropriate membership. Junior members do not pay dues.
D. Foreign Membership, Single or Dual: Open to one or two person eighteen (18) years of age and older who are not citizens and residents of the United States. Foreign members enjoy all the privileges of the Club, except they cannot vote or hold office and do not count in the determination of a quorum. Dues are set to include the cost of printing the Newsletter and postal expenses.
Section 2. Minimum Membership Requirements:
Application Information
- Applicants should document direct involvement in AKC events with the Dachshund breed and or purebred dogs.
- Applications must have attached the written Sponsors Questionnaire of two active members in good standing who know the applicant.
- Applicants who buy dogs for, or sell dogs to commercial outlets will not be considered for Membership.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to forward the properly completed Application for Membership and Sponsorship Questionnaires to the membership Secretary of the Dachshund Club of America.
- The name and address of each applicant will be published in the first available DCA newsletter prior to Board review.
All applications should indicate revised 10/2015
1. The process to submit applications is under construction to allow electronic submission. In the interim, mail all applications to Membership Chair.
2. Do not write on reverse side, include additional information as indicated on applications.
3. Download application forms:
a) Adult – United States Applicants
b) Junior (age 9-17)
c) Foreign
4. Download Sponsors Forms – You will need two (2)!
Sponsorship Guidelines
- Sponsors shall be active members of the Dachshund Club of America in good standing, and who know the applicant.
- Both sponsors may not be from the same household or family, and should be from the applicant’s geographic area.
- By sponsoring membership applications, Dachshund Club of America members attest to their personal knowledge of the applicant, including his or her interests in the breed, sportsmanship, and ethical conduct.
- Membes should remember they can only sponsor two (2) applicants during the course of a year.