Judges Education Materials
Following are DCA Approved materials used to educate future judges of the Dachshund.
Please feel free to download them for reference:
Changes to the AKC Breed Standard for the Dachshund (3/07)
Changes To The AKC Breed Standard For The Dachshund
At the January, 2007, meeting of the AKC Board of Directors, a revision to the AKC standard for the Dachshund was approved, effective March 1, 2007. While the format remains the same, the revised standard contains several changes, many of which are meant to offer clarification regarding Dachshund structure or movement. Other changes to the standard were made to clarify issues regarding acceptable Dachshund colors and patterns.
The first change is at the end of the “Head” paragraph. The last sentence now reads “The skull is slightly arched, neither too broad nor too narrow, and slopes gradually with little perceptible stop into the finely-formed, slightly arched muzzle, giving a Roman appearance.” “Giving a Roman appearance” is new wording, added in hopes of restoring the emphasis to “slightly arched” which was lost when the “ram’s nose” wording was removed with the 1992 revision.
The next change of note is to the “Neck” sentence. It reads “Long, muscular, clean-cut, without dewlap, slightly arched in the nape, flowing gracefully into the shoulders, without creating the impression of a right angle.” The last phrase, “without creating the impression of a right angle” was added because upright shoulders have been a growing problem in the breed, and it is hoped that this addition will direct more attention of both judges and breeders to this part of Dachshund anatomy.
Next, there is an added sentence in the “Forequarters” section. The new sentence: “The inclined shoulder blades, upper arms and curved forearms form parentheses that enclose the ribcage, creating the correct ‘wraparound front.’ ” As the front assembly of the Dachshund is an unusual canine structure, and as the term “wraparound front” is commonly used among fanciers of the breed, this sentence was added to incorporate the term into the standard, to explain its meaning, and to place special emphasis on its importance to the breed.
There are a few minor changes of wording in the “Hindquarters” and “Gait” sections that need not be addressed here, as they are primarily changes in terminology. But there is one change of significance in the “Gait” section, the addition of this sentence: “Rear feet do not reach upward toward the abdomen and there is no appearance of walking on the rear pasterns.” This language was added to call the attention of breeders and judges to a persistent problem in the breed.
The revision contains several changes regarding color. The first addresses the cream color and is self-explanatory, adding the words “with or without a shading of interspersed dark hairs.”
There are two new color descriptions, those being for sable and for wild boar Dachshunds.
“Sable – the sable pattern consists of a uniform dark overlay on red dogs. The overlay hairs are double-pigmented, with the tip of each hair much darker than the base color. The pattern usually displays a widow’s peak on the head. Nose, nails and eye rims are black. Eyes are dark, the darker the better.”
This description was added because the term “sable” has traditionally been used differently by Dachshund fanciers than when it is used in reference to other breeds. A red sable Dachshund presents a distinctive appearance that is now defined in the standard.
“Wild boar (agouti) appears as banding of the individual hairs and imparts an overall grizzled effect which is most often seen on wirehaired Dachshunds, but may also appear on other coats. Tan points may or may not be evident. Variations include red boar and chocolate-and-tan boar. Nose, nails and eye rims are black on wild-boar and red-boar Dachshunds. On chocolate-and-tan-boar Dachshunds, nose, nails, eye rims and eyes are self-colored, the darker the better. A small amount of white on the chest, although acceptable, is not desirable.”
This addition to the standard was made because the use of the term “wild boar” to describe the agouti banding pattern is unique to Dachshund parlance, and the color is possibly the one most commonly encountered in wirehaired Dachshunds.
Double dapple (double merle) has been removed from the standard as an acceptable pattern. The removal from the standard of this pattern that imparted white to the body of a Dachshund indicates that the only acceptable white on a Dachshund appears as a small spot on the chest, which, while acceptable, is not desirable. (A larger area of white is permissible on the chest of a single-dapple Dachshund.) This should simplify what has been a complex issue for some regarding judging the Dachshund, as the standard now has no pattern that displays areas of white, and clearly states in three places, that “a small amount of white on the chest is acceptable but not desirable.” Aside from a larger area of white on the chest of a dapple being permissible, white is not mentioned anywhere else in the breed standard.
This wording appears in the “AKC Guidelines for Writing Breed Standards:”
“Color. ….In breeds where multiple colors and color combinations are acceptable, but not all colors are permitted, thecomplete list of all colors and color combinations must be included in the standard. In such cases, any colors and color combination not mentioned are unacceptable, and judges are to pass judgment on this basis.”
In an effort to simplify Dachshund colors and patterns for judges, the Judges Education Committee stresses that the patterns and colors included in the Dachshund standard are acceptable in the conformation ring. The following is a list of those that are unacceptable.
* any area of white anywhere on the dog other than a small area on the chest, with a larger area being permissible on the chest of a dapple
* a piebald pattern
* a double- dapple (double- merle) pattern
* either a patterned or a Dudley (flesh-colored) nose
* any nose color other than black on red, cream, black/tan, black/cream, wild boar and red boar Dachshunds. (For example, a brown nose on a red or a cream Dachshund is not acceptable.)
* a total lack of tan or cream markings on black, blue, chocolate or Isabella Dachshunds
* a combination of dapple and brindle patterns
* any blue in either eye of a brindle Dachshund, indicating a combination of the dapple and brindle patterns
Judges are reminded that the Dachshund Club of America is the sole parent club for the breed and the only entity whose endorsement of Dachshund seminars is recognized by AKC.
It is the hope of the Judges Education Committee that the foregoing information will be helpful to judges by clarifying the revisions to the standard. The Dachshund fancy trusts that judges will render decisions based on the breed standard. If there are any questions regarding this revision or any questions pertaining to Dachshunds, please feel free to contact:
Lisa Warren, JE Co-Coordinator
Marci Forrester
Ann Gordon
Ken Levison
(585) 226-6254
Phyllis Rosinsky
Robert Wlodkowski
The Dachshund Front
The Dachshund Front
One of the distinguishing features of the Dachshund and a very important component of breed type is the structure of the Dachshund front. Unfortunately, very few correct, or even nearly correct, fronts are seen in today’s conformation ring. One must always remember that the Dachshund was designed and bred to hunt badgers.
First and foremost, the Dachshund is a hunting dog. His unique body type was developed specifically to hunt badgers underground. The Dachshund’s strong hunting instincts make him an excellent trailing dog as well. Thus he should always exhibit the structure and temperament traits that are necessary for him to perform effectively below as well as above ground.
In order for the Dachshund to accomplish the work that he was bred to do, a proper front is essential. When working, it is the front of the dog that takes the most abuse which is why a correctly put together front is so important for the dog’s endurance in the field. The Dachshund front is even more specialized to enable him to work effectively underground.
There are several key points to remember regarding the Dachshund front as it is described in the standard. One of these is that when the Dachshund is viewed in profile, the breastbone (forechest) is very prominent in front. This prominence creates depressions or “dimples” on either side of the breastbone that are quite apparent. Viewed from the front, the chest appears oval and extends downward to the mid-point of the forearm. The keel merges gradually into the line of the abdomen and extends well beyond the front legs.
Another key component of the Dachshund front is the shoulder assembly. The bones of the shoulder are long, broad, well laid back, and closely fitted at the withers. Ideally, the upper arm is the same length as the shoulder blade and is placed at a right angle to it. The forearm is short and slightly curved inward and, as the breed standard states, “the joints between the forearms and the feet (wrists) are closer together than the shoulder joints, so that the front does not appear absolutely straight.” The inclined shoulder blades, upper arms, and curved forearms form parentheses that enclose the ribcage, creating the unique “wraparound front.”
The wraparound front is a unique front assembly that is not seen in many breeds. Thus, many judges who have not had previous experience with this type of front may have some difficulty in assessing it correctly. This situation is further compounded by the fact that there are not many Dachshunds with correct or even nearly correct fronts being shown in present day conformation competition.
Too many Dachshunds in the show ring today lack forechest and have straight shoulders. When viewed in profile, Dachshunds with these faults stand with the front legs under the neck rather than under the withers. The neck appears to meet the withers at a 90-degree angle instead of the slightly arched neck flowing smoothly into the shoulders. The keel stops abruptly, or just slightly behind the front legs rather than extending well beyond them. Dachshunds who lack proper construction in these areas may present a pleasing profile with a nice level topline. However, their lack of proper construction becomes apparent when they move.
Proper Dachshund movement should be fluid and smooth. The forelegs should reach well forward without much lift. A correct shoulder assembly and well-fitted elbows permit a long, free stride. Feet must travel with no tendency to swing out, cross over, or interfere with each other. Short, choppy movement, a rolling or high-stepping gait, and feet that are too close or overly wide coming or going are incorrect.
The Dachshund Club of America strongly urges all judges to pay particular attention to the fronts of the Dachshunds that they judge. When a correct or nearly correct front is found and all other factors have been considered, it should be highly rewarded.
If any judge would like a copy of the “Visualization of the Official Dachshund Standard”, or a CD presenting the breed standard, or both, please contact:
Lisa Warren, Coordinator
P.O. Box 923
Fogelsville, PA 18051
Ph: (610) 285 – 6425
Email: elysiumdox@aol.com
Aspects of Movement to Evaluate While Assessing the Dachshund
Aspects of Movement to Evaluate While Assessing the Dachshund
“Appearing Neither Crippled, Awkward, Nor Cramped in His Capacity for Movement, The Dachshund is Well Balanced with Bold and Confident Head Carriage…” from the AKC Breed Standard
Viewed from the side:
There should be balance between front and rear extension.
There should be good reach in front with no wasted action or unnecessary lifting of the front legs.
Forward reach of each hind leg, with no wasted action upward toward the belly, and good follow-through should be evident. A lack of correct rear extension is referred to as the dog “moving under itself” and is undesirable.
There should be strength and level stability of the topline while moving.
Head carriage should be bold and confident.
Tail should not be carried too gaily.
Viewed from the front:
Movement should be clean and true coming toward you.
There should be proper width between front feet as they land with a slight inward inclination as speed increases.
Viewed from the rear:
Hind legs should drive on a line with the forelegs.
Movement should be clean and true going away, with hocks turning neither in nor out.
There should be no wasted action or sashaying.
Rear pads should be clearly exposed.
Movement Faults Listed in the Breed Standard:
- Feet swinging out, crossing over or interfering with each other Short, choppy movement Rolling gait
- High-stepping gait
- Close or overly wide movement, coming or going
- Hocks turning either in or out
- Rear feet reaching upward toward the abdomen
- Any appearance of walking on the rear pasterns
Comprehending the Standard
Comprehending the Standard
by Ann Gordon
Always keep in mind that the standard is a verbal description of the perfect Dachshund. Trying to form a visual image of the ideal Dachshund by reading words is rather difficult. The situation is further complicated by the fact that each person who reads this verbal description will form a somewhat different visual image in his mind.
Let’s leave dogs for a moment and think about verbal descriptions and their interpretations in general. For example, an author may write a wonderfully detailed description of a beach. Each person who reads that description will visualize that beach in his own way. Although the images may be similar, no two images will be exactly the same. So it is with trying to visualize what is correct for a Dachshund by reading the standard, no two people will interpret it or visualize it in exactly the same way. It is designed to be a written guide of what is desired and what is not desirable in a Dachshund. To apply that guide to individual Dachshunds takes study, mentoring, and a great deal of experience. The standard is a written description of a visual image, and as such, it leaves plenty of room for different perceptions.
Realizing that interpreting breed standards is not an easy task, many breed parent clubs have developed an illustrated standard and the Dachshund Club of America is one of them. The Illustrated Standard enhances the written standard by providing drawings that illustrate the various details pertaining to the Dachshund as it is presented in the written standard
If you have had no experience with Dachshunds, it is likely that your ability to assess how adequately a particular dog compares to the standard will not be much better than before you read it. Just reading the standard and trying to apply it to a living Dachshund is difficult. Drawings and photographs are very helpful in interpreting what the written word is intended to convey, however, the only way to really understand what this document is saying is to look at many, many, many Dachshunds and make comparisons.
Some aspects of the standard are easy to comprehend. Features such as bites, feet, toplines, eye color, and tail carriage are easy to assess. Proper angulation, overall balance, and movement require experience and an educated eye.
Much of the standard is devoted to a description of parts, but it is the overall appearance of the Dachshund that is imperative. A core principle of Gestalt psychology is that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” and so it is with the Dachshund. A Dachshund may have many parts that are essentially correct as described by the standard, but when these parts are put together, they may not produce the overall type that is the essence of the Dachshund. In addition to correct parts, there must be balance, style and the Dachshund personality which personifies boldness, courage, perseverance, stamina, alertness, stubbornness, cleverness, intelligence, and independence.
What Knuckling Over Looks Like
Image Coming Soon
Function and "F" words
Image Coming Soon
The Dachshund was scientifically designed to dig and bring out animals from a burrow. This required special adaptation of feet and legs for digging and a head and neck for fighting. The composers of the standard did a masterful job. They showed insight in choosing the most efficient design of levers, of engine, and of head and neck. On this structurally sound framework they then provided for an artistic, pleasing exterior. This is like an architect taking a structurally sound building frame and adding an eye-catching exterior.
In the Dachshund, the fundamental framework cannot be altered from the correct design, but the exterior can be modified to make the most pleasing appearance.
The “F” Words
by Lisa Warren
“Form follows function.” It is a term used frequently in the dog world, borrowed, I believe, from architecture, although I am not certain of its absolute origin. With the exception of the breeds in the toy group, nearly all of today’s breeds were developed with a purpose other than companionship in mind, a purpose that would serve the needs of man in some very functional way. A seriously thought-out breed standard, as it describes the ideal form of the dog, does not lose sight of the breed’s original function, or perhaps of a purpose for which the breed has more recently come to be used. If these intended functions are ignored in the standard or by the breeders and judges who shape the form of the breed as it evolves, then the breed in question could become one of several doing a flying trot down the road toward the loss of essential “breediness”. You will know what I mean if you have sat at ringside during group judging over the years and noted more and more breeds moving with amazing front and rear extension, or trying to, whether that gait would serve them well in their particular function or not, and whether or not that is the gait described in their standard. And, in the pursuit of eye-catching prettiness, many of these exhibits are trimmed and groomed in ways that would make the old-time breeders do half-gainers in their graves. One by one, it seems, breeds are becoming more and more like “cookie-cutter dogs” that may vary in shape, size, coat and colour, but otherwise could all have come from the same manufacturer, from the same cookie-cutter set. All of this is true because these things so often succeed at a dog show; many judges are, perhaps unconsciously, more impressed by prettiness and flashy movement than by a really balanced, sound, correct example of a breed, complete with all of the distinguishing characteristics and structural requisites that both design its form and make it functional. I suspect that this state of affairs has evolved due to the enormous emphasis that is placed on group and best-in-show competition in this country, focusing much of the fancy’s attention away from the subtleties and finer points of the various breeds. Many breeders, being adaptable and wanting to breed what they can win with, begin ignoring the mandates of structure and breed specifics in their standards, and they get away with it all too often at dog shows.
One hears many interesting things at ringside, and I recently overheard a conversation between two Afghan hound breeders in which one remarked that, while it was quite nice for a dog to have all of the structural and breed-specific features outlined in the standard, he himself felt that it was much more important to breed for a “look”. Well, it is difficult to win without a “look”, but surely a correct-looking bloodline cannot maintain that look for more that a few generations if the breeder is not constantly considering structural excellence during both the matchmaking and selection phases of breeding, keeping the standard’s precepts in mind all the while. I give that particular breeder only a few years before he loses his valued “look” entirely, unless he wakes up to the folly and short-sightedness of his point of view.
Another overheard conversation involved dachshunds. One exhibitor was trying to console another who had not won that day: “Well, you know that he only likes very elegant, flashy dogs with refined heads.” And when I thought about the dogs that had won that day, it seemed to be an accurate statement. So, that judge was consistent. He was not, I thought, correct: the words “flashy” and “elegant” do not appear in our standard’s general description of the dachshund, nor is “refinement” a requisite for the desired head. And if you think about it for only a minute, you will probably agree with me that it is just as well, since none of those “qualities” is going to be of service to a dog who is meant to be able to go down a hole and battle an angry badger in its home turf. Elegance is not functional in the dachshund; substance is. An overlong neck and narrow, elegant head will not serve him well. Better form for the dachshund’s function combines a strong neck of adequate length and a head that is in balance on a dog of the robust muscular development called for in the standard. That head needs brain room, enough nasal width and depth to fully accommodate breathing under duress in tight spots where oxygen is limited, and a really strong underjaw which provides enough bone for the attachment of serious muscles, muscles vital for success in close encounters with a mortal enemy. I amuse myself by imagining a conversation with that judge who was looking for elegance and flashiness in which he comments, “I may not know much about dachshunds, but I know what I like!”
Flashy movement alone will not serve a dog well in the field; his movement must also be efficient, effortless and sound. Why does the standard ask for well-angled shoulders and a ninety-degree angle between shoulder and upper arm? Not only are these features absolutely essential for an animal that needs to fold its limbs back upon themselves bone by bone in order to go to earth and still be able to manoeuvre underground, but that angulation and the equal bone lengths specified in the standard are also major components of the efficient and effortless movement that will enable a dachshund to put in a full day of tracking or hunting without fading. All of the movement faults that we recognize in dogs are faults not simply because they are unsightly, but more importantly because they reduce efficiency and require more of the dog’s energy to get from point A to point B, thereby diminishing his ability to perform his function.
A breed standard could be considered a work in progress over the history of the breed, as is the breed itself. Standards are altered and updated from time to time, sometimes to clarify meaning or to improve format, and sometimes, for better or worse, to more accurately describe the dog that has evolved over the years since the last revision. (For example, in our own breed standard the eye shape was recently changed from “oval” to “almond”. A tighter eye is certainly less susceptible to damage in combat and to injury in the bush; but the eye opening is determined largely by the skull’s shape, and danger lies in going to an extreme that creates an overly narrowed skull in an attempt through breeding to alter the shape of the eye socket.) If the breed in question can still be expected to function efficiently, and if the evolution it has experienced has improved its ability to perform or has enhanced its appearance with no detriment to function, then it is good to change the standard to reflect that evolution. But standard changes do a disservice to a breed when they are made in order to reflect the taste of the show fancy while ignoring the fact that a decrease in functional ability may result.
The dachshund breed is a race of dwarfs, ideally suited by that dwarfism for going to earth and for working at ground level in a variety of difficult terrains. Physical beauty in the dachshund requires a fitness for work, good breed type, and a symmetry of parts; that eye-pleasing, all-of-a-piece look while both standing and moving that is the hallmark of any balanced and structurally sound animal. The dachshund does not need to aspire to an off-type elegance in the pursuit of beauty any more than an exquisitely-formed and accomplished gymnast needs to aspire to the willowy attenuation of a fashion model.
We are fortunate in our breed that there are currently many dual champions, dogs whose excellence of form makes them both functional enough to earn field championships and beautiful enough to hold show titles. Their breeders and owners are to be commended and encouraged, as this reflects a balance of interest within the fancy that is probably essential to the future of the dachshund if it is not to become one of the many “cookie-cutter” breeds seen at today’s shows. Also essential to that good future is that the function of the dachshund remains clearly in the minds of those of us who breed for the show ring, and that we do not fall into the trap of breeding to win under those judges who can say “I may not know much about dachshunds, but I know what I like!”
Weighing DACHSHUNDS in The Ring
The AKC breed standard for the Dachshund states: “Miniatures are not a separate classification, but compete in a class division of ‘11 pound and under at 12 months of age or older.’ ” If you are in doubt as to whether a dog’s weight complies with the given requirements for the Open Miniature class, you should weigh the dog. (See Rules Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 14, Section 4, and Guidelines for Conformation Show Judges, “Weighing”). You should not be concerned with whether or not calling the scales might delay your judging. “Guesstimating” a dog’s weight or simply sending it to the end of the line if in doubt is simply not good judging practice. There are times when you may be required to weight an exhibit in response to an exhibitor protest.
The weighing process is not as mysterious or complicated as is sometimes believed. If you are going to weigh an exhibit in your ring, immediately request your steward to call for the scale. Continue judging, if possible, while you are waiting for the scale. The Superintendent or Show Secretary will bring the scale to your ring, where it should be placed on a steady, level surface such as your table. There are various types of scales in use; some are a heavy-duty version of an ordinary bathroom scale, and the newest are digital. The Superintendent will show you how to use the scale provided.
You must first calibrate the scale to make sure it is working properly and accurately. Again, the Superintendent or Show Secretary should instruct you in the correct calibrating procedure of the particular scale provide, but it generally means checking the scale’s accuracy with a 5-pound weight provided for the purpose. Let the exhibitor of the dog to be weighed see that the scale has been calibrated.
If you are using a balance-beam type scale, set the scale to the deciding weight. For example, since the Dachshund breed standard requires the dog to be “11 pounds and under”, set the scales at 11 pounds. If the dog then weighs over 11 pounds, it is weighed out. You do not need to have an exact measurement of the dog’s weight; you need only to determine whether it is within the stated limits or not.
After the scale is calibrated and set, have the exhibitor place the dog on the scale. The handler may lightly steady the dog with leash or fingers in necessary, but must do so in a way which will not influence the weight in any manner. Just as judges may insist that a dog be stacked and held correctly for a height measurement, the judge doing a weight determination should require that the exhibitor handle the dog properly.
Most dogs of weighed breeds will cooperate sufficiently, holding still long enough to ascertain whether they do, or do not, weigh in or out. However, if a dog’s behavior is such that it is impossible to obtain an accurate weight determination, or if the exhibitor persists in handling the dog in a manner which affects the weighing, excuse the dog. Mark your book “Excused: unable to weigh.” (Don’t forget to initial!)
If the dog’s weight is not in accord with the eligibility requirements of the class in which it is entered, mark your book, “Ineligible, weighed out.” The dog is considered to have been wrongly entered and may not be transferred to any other class at the show. In all cases be sure to clearly explain the results to the dog’s handler before he or she leaves the ring, and initial the notation in your judge’s book.
When you check in with the Superintendent before judging you may wish to ask about the scale and familiarize yourself with it. If you then need to use it later in the day, you will know the type of scale that is being used when it arrives at your ring. You may of course call the AKC Field Representative for advice if you need to, but it is your responsibility as the judge to do the weighing and make your determination of a dog’s weight.
You can ONLY WEIGH DACHSHUNDS THAT ARE ENTERED IN THE OPEN MINIATURE CLASS, as that is the only class where eligibility is dependent upon meeting a weight requirement.
Many breeder-judges feel that, in order to ensure fairness, if one dog in the class is being weighed, all other entries in the class should also be weighed. It is very difficult to tell what a dog weighs by looking at it or lifting it, and by not adhering to this practice, you might eliminate one dog for being over the limit but allow others to slip through; that would clearly be an injustice.
Temperament Statement
Judges Education Statement From the Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors
The Dachshund Club of America would like to clarify the issue of temperament in our breed. As the parent club charged with maintaining the integrity of our standard, we strongly feel that there should be no compromise on this issue.
“The Dachshund is clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above- and below-ground work, with all the senses well developed. Any display of shyness is a serious fault.”
The Dachshund is a hunting dog who is or was expected to pursue and confront a badger who is approximately twice its size and deviously feisty. A shy or timid dog would never be able to fulfill this basic directive of our breed.
Our standard also states:
“…the Dachshund is well balanced with bold and confident head carriage and intelligent, alert facial expression. His hunting spirit, good nose, loud tongue and distinctive build make him well suited for below-ground work and for beating the brush.”
The preceding descriptions do not fit a shivering, nervous animal, nor do they fit an aggressive one. The Dachshund is not expected to be affectionate to all he meets, however he should be expected to present himself in a friendly manner, with a willingness to explore new experiences.
A young dog who lacks these bold adventuresome qualities should not receive awards on that day. Hopefully, time and experience will free his naturally courageous spirit. A seasoned show dog who demonstrates evasive, nervous or shy behavior is not considered a superior specimen of our breed.
This breed is examined on the table; we therefore request that Dachshunds not be examined on the floor.
In no sense is the Dachshund a cringing, shivering, nervous creature. We must demand a sound temperament in this breed. Our standard uses the words BOLD, CONFIDENT, INTELLIGENT.
Some Dachshunds are displaying unacceptable breed temperament in both aggression and shyness. We request that you excuse dogs who display unprovoked snarling, growling, and snapping or attempts at biting. Also, do not accept extreme stiffness – the handler never should need to resort to a vice-like grip on the animal to present him for examination.
Never, never examine a Dachshund on the ground. If there is something you wish to recheck, please put the animal back on the table.
Any other questions regarding the Dachshund should be directed to the Judges Education Committee.
Lisa Warren, JE Coordinator
Marci Forrester
Robert Wlodkowski
The Dachshund – A Dog for Town and Country – Ann Gordon. 2000
The Complete Dachshund – Dee and Bruce Hutchinson. 1997
A New Owners Guide to Dachshunds – Kaye Ladd. 1996
The Dachshund: An Owner’s Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet – Anne Carey. 1995
The New Dogsteps – Rachel Paige Elliott. 1983
The Dog In Action – McDowell Lyon. 1982
A variety of brochures and educational publications are available from the Educational Brochure Program at the D.C.A. Inc.
See Brochure Order Program form.
The Illustrated Standard of Points of the Dachshund – J. P. Sayer Published 1989 (Originally published 1939) (See Brochure Order Program form.)
Visualization of the Official Dachshund Standard – The official AKC Dachshund standard with highly detailed drawings depicting correct versus incorrect. Editor: Kaye Ladd; History: Ann Gordon; Artwork: Gina Leone Middings; Design/layout: Phyllis Rosinsky. (See Brochure Order Program form.)
Visualization of the Official Dachshund Standard Evaluation Kit – Overlays of the front and rear angulation and bone structure. Designed to be used over photos and prints as a learning and evaluation tool. (See Brochure Order Program form.)
The Complete Dog Book, 19th Edition, Revised. American Kennel Club 1998
The New Dachshund – Lois Meistrell, et al/Hardcover/Published 1979
Dachshund Tails Down the Yukon – Marilyn C. Mosley/Paperback/Published 1988
Dachshund Tails North – Marilyn Mosley/Paperback/Published 1982
Dachshund Tails Up the Inside Passage – Marilyn Mosley/Paperback/Published 1984
Your Dachshund – Herman Cox/Hardcover/Published 1966
All About Dachshund – Katherine Raine/Published 2000
The Dachshund – E. Fitch Daglish/Published 1988
The Dachshund (Top Dog Series) R. William Stamford/Published 1990
Dachshund Guide – Hans Brunotte/Published 2000
Dachshunds – Mario Migliorni/Published 1976
How to Raise and Train a Dachshund – L. Meistrell/Published 1976
This is the Dachshund – Lenore Loch Adler/Published 1966
For a copy of the CD used at all DCA seminars on the Dachshund, send your name and address with a check for $12.00, made out to:
“DCA Health and Welfare Trust”
Fund,” to:
Lisa Warren
P.O. Box 923
Fogelsville, PA 18051