DCA 2016 online entry instructions
DCA 2016 Updates- Premium List/ Entry Instructions
The electronic version of the Premium List has been uploaded to the DCA 2016 section of the website. The printed version is currently being printed and will be mailed shortly. It may also be accessed on the website for Rau Dog Shows : http://raudog.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2-24-RevisedPremium.pdf
The show superintendent , RAU Dog Shows, has launched their new website and entries for Conformation, Rally, & Obedience may be made through the on-line system : http://www.raudogshows.com/welcome-jim-rau-dog-shows-online-registration/
Please note that all dogs entered through the on-line system must have a “Profile ” created even if you have used the on-line system in the past. The profile section titled “Division (color, weight) “must be completed for entries made in the Open Miniature & Open Standard class as follows:
– Wirehaired: Specify Open Miniature or Open Standard
– Smooth & Longhaired: Specify Open Miniature, either Red or AOC and for Open Standard specify either Red or AOC.
With this information entered in the dog’s profile, the entry that each Exhibitor makes in the “Open “class, can be accurately classified into the correct category/ class.