
Dachshunds Can Do It All! 

The DCA Versatility Program was created to recognize Dachshunds who prove their abilities across various AKC sanctioned events:


Conformation – Field Trials – Earthdog – Tracking


Obedience/Rally Obedience – Agility – Scentwork

General Requirements


A total of 18 VC points is required


VC points must be obtained from Bench Group and at least three (3) of the other six (6) groups


Points may not be accumulated in any one group (i.e. a UD entitles a dog to points; his CDX and CD cannot be added)


A Triple Champion (Bench CH plus Field FC plus either Obedience Champion or Tracking Champion or Agility Champion MACH/PACH) qualifies a dog for the Versatility Certificate


NOTE: Except for the AWTA Certificate of Gameness earned prior to October 1995, only American Kennel Club events / titles can earn VC points

Application Process


When the requisite number of VC points have been accumulated, please email the last AKC certificate showing all the titles earned to the committee chair:



Download the Versatility Handbook            Versatility Points Table            Dachshunds who have earned the VC