Judges Education

The Dachshund Club of America will hold a Judges Education Seminar and Workshop in conjunction with its National Specialty at Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO.


The seminar will be held on Thursday, May 23rd at 2 pm immediately followed by a hands-on Workshop. Ringside mentoring is available on Friday and Saturday for registered participants.


To register, please send a $20 registration fee by April 20th to:

Kenneth Levison
8155 E Galinda Dr
Tucson, AZ 85750


A brochure, the “Quick Guide to Judging the Dachshund,” is available free of charge to judges. Copies may be requested by sending a stamped, self-addressed letter size envelope to the address above.


Reference Materials

DCA Judge Education Committee

Dr. Kenneth H. Levison, Coordinator

Email: dazdox@yahoo.com

Marci Forrester

Email: marcifor@gulftel.com

Robert Wlodkowski

Email: rslepyholo@aol.com

Ann Gordon

Email: angora119@aol.com

Lisa Warren

Email: elysiumdox@aol.com

Georjan Bridger

Email: artsrpassion@gmail.com

Debby Krieg

Email: daybreakwires@yahoo.com