DCMA Field Trial

Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta

Date of Event: 4/11-12/12

OAAD Stake Number of Starters: 38

Judges: Larry Sorenson & Gerald Price
1st (Name of Dog, Call Name, Owner): Hoppledachs In Formal Attire ML “Tux”, Pamala Hopkins
2nd : Stardox Frankly My Dear “Rhett”, Susan Jill Blake & Lorraine Simmons
3rd : Kearsarge Mountain’s Ash “Jasper”, Barerbel Wills
4th : CH Hidden Cedars Make Or Mark MS “Graffitti”, Gloria LaTour
NBQ: Stardox I Know You Rider SE CGC “Rider”, Susan Jill Blake & Lorraine Simmons

OAAB Stake Number of Starters*: 45

Judges: Brian Owen & Lorraine Simmons
1st (Name of Dog, Call Name, Owner): CH Turning Pt New England Breeze ME “Katrina”, Dr Randy & Capt Pete Eltringham
2nd : Wingover’s Osprey MLD “Osprey”, Susan Fuller
3rd : GCH Bessdachs Surfs Up SS “Pinky”, Randy Eltringham, Denise Siemssen, Marina Renee Lara
4th : Goose Creek Truffles “Truffles” , Melanie Simmons
NBQ: CH EZ Goins Lil Ms Patty Cakes “Patty”, Pam Reed & Robbie Loyd

Field Champions: Dogs Number of Starters*: 28

Judges*: Larry Sorenson & Randy David
1st (Name of Dog, Call Name, Owner): FC Barnabas of Kotate Hills SW,OF,NAJ,SE,CGC “Barnabas”, Patricia & Gerald Price
2nd : FC Clown Vom Talsdeich “Buster” , Susanne Hamilton
3rd : DC Wingover’s Lancelot du Lac ML,RN,NA,OAJ,NF “Lance”, Alice S Moyer
4th : FC Bridger Vom Jagerhugel ” Bridger”, Willette Brown
NBQ: DC Kelkor’s Hot Fun in the Summertime SS “Steaker” , Dr Randy & Capt Pete Eltringham

Judges: Field Ch. Bitches (if divided): Number of Starters: 27

Judges: Sandi Myers & Larry Innis
1st (Name of Dog, Call Name, Owner): GCH DC Sunlight’s Evening in Paris BN,RN,GCG “Marie”, Phyllis Meseroll,m K. Boyd, Mike Nothstein
2nd: FC Marguee Vom Jagerhugel
3rd: FC Quilla Von Velbert JE
4th: FC Englelong Marked for Glory MW
NBQ: DC Evita V Edelweiss JE CGC

Judges for Best Open/Absolute: Sandi Myers, Larry Innis, Larry Sorenson, Brian Owen
Best Open: Ch Turning Pt New England Breeze ME
Absolute: Ch Turning Pt New England Breeze ME

As part of the DCMA Host Club Event, on Tuesday April 10th we ran a combined Veterans Non-Regular Class for dogs/ bitches age 10 and over. A Handicap scoring system was used based on age. The judges scored the dogs run and added additional points to their score based on age as follows: Age 10: 0 points, Age 11: 2 points, Age12: 4 points, Age 13: 7 points, Age 14: 12 points, Age 15 and over: 20 points. There were 20 dogs/ bitches entered and ages ranged from 10 to 15 years, 11 months old. There was a special prize for the oldest veteran which was CH Englelong Ruby MS “Ruby” , born 5/11/96 and owned by Betty Adams and handled by Richard Davids. All entrants received a commemorative ribbon for the event. The judges for this class were Robert E Schwalbe and Jamie Sexton and the following are the results:

Place Registered Name Call Name Age Owner
1st FC Alimos Jack’s Back CDX,RN,AX,AXJ, NF,XJP,NFP,SE Ripper 11 Alice Moyer
2nd DC Nexi’s Lone Star Express ML,TD,RN,CD,CGC,VC Einzig 12 Ken Hagmuller & Sandi Myers
3rd DC Mye Primadox Angelique JE,TT,CGC,VC Lali 11 Ken Hagmuller, Sandi Myers, Kellye Slatton
4th CH Frendach’s Just Like the Wind RA, ROMX Mariah 10 Dr. Randy & Capt Pete Eltringham
NBQ CH Leoralee’s Fighting Irish JE Rudy 10 Catherine Kalista & Marietta Singleton

There were two (2) braces called back for second series. The second series runs were scored, and after adjustments based on age, the above final placements were made.